Hi X-Carters!
Today I’m happy to introduce Carrie Saunders, a co-founder of the BCS Engineering company, very well-known to the users of X-Cart 4, to the community and merchants of X-Cart 5. Carrie comes to our marketplace with three new modules, and for sure, the most interesting one is “Customer Rewards”, the module which you can find at least in every second store using X-Cart 4. What makes it so popular? A set of excellent features, convenient settings and affordable price. The last but not least, all the modules on X-Cart 5 marketplace are NOT encrypted, thus pretty customizable.
Customer Rewards – Bestseller!
BCSE’s new Customer Rewards module is now 2 modules in one: keep the module in its classic mode and let your customers turn those reward points into discounts( you control how many points your customers earn and what they are worth on redemption) or offer tiered discounts ( the number of accrued points over a customer’s lifetime gives them a certain % discount on your store. You have complete control over the tier levels and discounts at each tier).
A best-selling module by BCS Engineering, this is a must-have module for your X-Cart 5 based store.
Facebook Products
If you want the ability to quickly and easily post a product to Facebook with a custom message, check this module out. One click of a button allows you to post a product to Facebook with a custom message. You may also select whether the Price or SKU should appear in the post or not.
Catalog Order Form
Allow your customers to quickly order products by entering the SKU / Product Code and quantity for many products and add them all at once to their cart. Any errors in the product code entry or not enough stock is clearly shown to the customer. WIth this quick order form, you can make wholesale and repeat customer happy by saving them time. It’s also great for phone orders for your sales department!
“To become even faster at the next triathlon”: Interview with Carrie Saunders.
Carrie Saunders
BCS Engineering, Partner/Senior Engineer
Carrie, I’m happy to introduce your modules. You’re one of pioneers among the developers for X-Cart 5. How come you became a web-developer?
I started web development in college while I was studying Electrical Engineering with Computer Science specialty. I created a website for our Electric Race Car team (The Electric Bobcat) and went on to become the webmaster for the Engineering college as well as the department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS). When I did webdesign for the Engineering College as well as the EECS department, I concentrated on solving problems rather than just making a pretty website. I created the ability to post calendar events to help with communication, as well as resources for both the students and faculty/staff. I worked to help streamline business processes for the staff and students to allow the website to facilitate questions, answers and information. I found I was really good at problem solving and creating tools to help the staff and students.
Do you remember the first X-Cart module? Was it popular?
One of the first X-cart modules I created was the Inventory Pricing Module. It actually still sells today and is available for X-cart versions 3.4.x through 4.6.x! It is now over 10 years old. It helps store owners mass change prices on products and have a restore point to return the prices back to normal. Creating an easy way to put items on sale or discount old stock. The next module created after that one was our Customer Reward Points module. Which is also still extremely popular. It is our best selling module!
Why did you choose these 3 modules, but not, say “Product page shipping calculator” or “Back in Stock notifications”? We chose a few easy modules first and then the Reward Points since it’s so popular. We have plans for more X-cart 5 modules to include other requests customers have asked for.
Creating the 1st modification is always difficult. But was it a challenging task for you to write the 3rd module?
There is just more setup to do to create modules in X-cart 5. That’s the hurdle you have to overcome.
You’re an active business-woman, energetic and enthusiastic: Tae Kwon Do, triathlon, your company, not speaking about 3 kids. How do you find time and energy for everything?
I find that if you don’t make time for yourself, whether it’s reading, exercising, etc then it’s hard to be at your best for your family and for your business. So I really work to find that extra hour a day to exercise and stay mentally and physically fit so I can be at my best for my family, employees and customers. My next goal is to become an even more efficient swimmer and runner so that I’m faster at the next triathlon!
Photos by Mike White and from Carrie’s family album.
Maria is a marketing manager at X-Cart. Once captured by digital and content marketing in her student days, she keeps living and breathing it ever since.