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CloudSearch: Powerful eCommerce Search & Filtering Engine

Pays for itself with added revenues

Get 1 month for free paying annually
Small Store
Small Store
$49.95 / mo
Get 1 month for free paying annually
Pay Monthly
Medium-Sized Store
Medium-Sized Store
$99 / mo
Get 1 month for free paying annually
Pay Monthly
Sophisticated eCommerce Retailer
Sophisticated eCommerce Retailer
$249 / mo
Get 1 month for free paying annually
Pay Monthly
Instant search for products, categories & pages✔✔✔
Search analytics✔✔✔
Multilingual search——✔
Admin area search——✔
Search tuning & Promotions
Product promotions✔✔✔
Faceted Navigation
Faceted navigation tightly integrated with product search, categories and other product list pages—✔✔
Smart filter selection for product search——✔
Products500 products5 000 products50 000 products
SearchesUp to 10K searchesUp to 50K searchesUp to 200K searches
Analytics report7 day analytics reposrt30 day analytics report90 day analytics report
Promotions10 promotions30 promotions100 promotions
Synonyms10 synonyms30 synonyms100 synonyms
Catalog sync3x daily & on-demand catalog sync3x daily & on-demand catalog syncReal-time catalog sync
1 language1 language3 languages
Priority support——CloudSearch Priority support
Pay MonthlyPay MonthlyPay Monthly

Need custom limits or a completely custom-tailored solution? Contact us or Call us at 1-800-657-7957


Autocomplete and real-time suggestions

Your customers will find the products they need just having started typing the name in the search box. eCommerce site search with autocomplete and adaptive product suggestions will help to discover alternatives to what they need and additional items they even haven’t considered yet. Product names in the list show up together with product thumbnails for easier perception.

Instant and smooth search

Modify the filters and get updated search results right away without refreshing the page. The whole filtering process is carried on our servers, so it will not impact performance of your website, e.g., large and complex automotive catalogs.

Advanced category-specific filtering

While Shopify is a large company with millions of users worldwide, they can’t provide personalized human service and a dedicated manager to each of their clients at an affordable price. X-Cart can.

Spelling corrections, synonyms, related terms & languages

Typos happen to everyone – but they will no longer cause a ‘Not found’ problem when searching for a product. CloudSearch automatically suggests closely related items and ensures that a product gets found if it is in your store.

Promote in the right place, at the right time

Launching keyword-triggered campaigns is an extra perk of our eCommerce search solution. It’s the ability to promote your products right in the search result dropdown depending on the search queries that your customer types. Such products will show up in the top position on the suggestions list.

Search statistics and analytics

The built-in reporting functionality will provide insights into the products your store visitors are looking for. You’ll always get a list of the most popular search queries which return no results. All this is good ground when you decide to update the range of products you sell. It also uncovers keywords to improve SEO and update product names to boost sales.

Mobile-friendly responsive design

The number of mobile searches exceeds those on desktops. So, the CloudSearch and CloudFilters eCommerce search solutions are optimized for all screen sizes.

Watch how X-Cart works

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    Case Image

    Meanwhile, discover how X-Cart helped FS Parts overcome complex data and fitment challenges.

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